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黄帝!Yellow Emperor!

The Yellow Emperor (黄帝, Huángdì) is a legendary figure in Chinese mythology, often regarded as one of the Five Emperors and considered a founding ancestor of Chinese civilization. He is said to have ruled during the third millennium BCE, around 2697–2597 BCE, and is often credited with significant advancements in Chinese society, culture, and technology.

In Chinese mythology, the Yellow Emperor is revered as a wise and virtuous ruler who contributed to many of the essential aspects of ancient Chinese culture. His achievements include:

Inventions: The compass, calendar, and traditional Chinese medicine are often attributed to him. His wife, Leizu, is also credited with discovering silk-making (sericulture).
Taoism: He is considered one of the early proponents of Taoism, and many Taoist texts are attributed to him, such as the "Huangdi Neijing" (Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine), one of the earliest known medical texts.
Unification of Tribes: The Yellow Emperor is said to have unified various tribes in ancient China, bringing peace and order to the region.
Warrior and Sage: He fought a famous battle against the rebel leader Chi You, cementing his legacy as both a warrior and a sage king.
Over time, the Yellow Emperor has become a symbol of Chinese unity and identity, with Chinese people often referring to themselves as the "Descendants of the Yellow Emperor" (炎黄子孙, descendants of both the Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor). His legendary reign marks the beginning of what is often considered the mythical origins of Chinese civilization.
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